This is it, the last in my series of “best of Austin” blogs. In case you missed it, there was my epic study of Austin coffee shops, followed by my breakthrough exposé on breakfast tacos. Serious issues all. In this article, I intend to share with you the location of the best chicken-fried steak in Austin.
This article is also my Austin swan song. That’s right. I’ve left Austin and moved with my family to Louisville, Kentucky. Oh, sweet Austin, how I’ll miss your rudeness, your poor service, your overpriced homes, and your liberal politics. I only hope I can find as many tattooed baristas with stretched earlobes in our new city.
No, that’s too harsh. Like all cities, Austin has its good points and its bad points. My wife and I married there, our daughter was born there, and we spent four years and nine months as residents. Austin will always be a part of me. Now, for the list.
Not Known for It – For a Reason
Broken Spoke: I can’t say much for their chicken fried steak, and they didn’t have cobbler, at least when I was there; however, they made up for it with an excellent brownie.
Hyde Park Bar & Grill: Nice taste; nothing special. The portions are way too small. Did they even have cobbler? I should have banned them from the list.
Known for It, but Fallen Off the Mark
Threadgill’s: Serviceable, nothing special.
Hill’s Café: Good, not great. They’re living off their reputation. Try both gravies, the yellow and the white. They do have a decent peach cobbler though, and it’s a great venue.
Oh, So Close
Hoover’s: Everything was great until I got to the cobbler. It was a hunk of pie in a bowl. That’s not cobbler! What were they thinking?
Now We’re Talking
Jim’s Restaurants: Like most items at Jim’s, this one is very good. I like the chicken-fried steak breakfast. Try it with eggs for a truckful of cholesterol.
The Best
Shady Grove: Outstanding, especially when they have the berry cobbler. Peach can be too slimy for my taste, but they still do a nice job with it. The sauce for the chicken-fried steak has a subtle pepper flavor.
There you have it: the definitive list. Admittedly, chicken-fried steak isn’t for everyone. I didn’t start eating it until I moved to Texas, but I’ve definitely cultivated a taste for it.
So long Texas. It’s been a great eight years. I wasn’t sure if I would like Texas when I moved to Houston in 2008, but it’s been one of my favorite places to live – and I’ve lived in a lot of different places.
Let me know what you think of my list, or if you have any recommendations for Louisville.
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