Ambushed at the Gas Pump
Noise. You can’t escape it. Used to be you could pull up to the gas pump, pop open the gas cap, and pump the tank full while enjoying the peaceful sounds of passing traffic and getting high on fumes. Now, … Continued
A Late Starter Dawdling Through Life
Noise. You can’t escape it. Used to be you could pull up to the gas pump, pop open the gas cap, and pump the tank full while enjoying the peaceful sounds of passing traffic and getting high on fumes. Now, … Continued
Great news: my short story Pandora’s Sax was one of the ten finalists in the Austin Chronicle’s Short Story Contest.
Imagine for a moment that the film Boyhood did not take place over a twelve year period. Imagine instead that the film’s director, Richard Linklater, filmed the movie over three months, and that instead of using the same children and … Continued
It’s nine o’clock at night and you’re reclining on your couch. The kids are in bed, you’re watching one of your favorite shows, and perhaps you’re reading the latest potboiler, glancing up from the pages every now and again at … Continued
They told us that most couples who win the lottery wind up divorced, but we didn’t believe them. It seemed so farfetched. We love each other. It was only money, after all. Just because other couples didn’t know how to … Continued