Abuse of Power
I pulled up to the light today, just like I’ve done every day this week, and there she was again. Three o’clock in the afternoon, through sunshine and showers, and this ogre in her bright orange vest stands on the … Continued
A Late Starter Dawdling Through Life
I pulled up to the light today, just like I’ve done every day this week, and there she was again. Three o’clock in the afternoon, through sunshine and showers, and this ogre in her bright orange vest stands on the … Continued
My wife and daughter and I drove down to Luling, a small town south of Austin, a few weeks ago for their local festival. It was a little less than we expected, and we didn’t expect much, but our little … Continued
What was my wife thinking? A week – an entire week – prior to Halloween, prior to the appearance of Minnie Mouse, the Lone Ranger, Little Red Riding Hood, and Batman, she goes out and buys candy. Her excuse? It … Continued
Just in case I haven’t beaten you over the head with enough coffee talk, here’s my third in a series of blog posts on the subject. In my last two (http://wp.me/p4UTYs-1n and http://bit.ly/1vYnxBA), I provided you with the twelve essential elements … Continued
In my last blog post (http://bit.ly/1s4dfNY), I provided you with the first third of my list of criteria for the perfect coffee shop. As the world’s foremost authority on coffee shops, along with countless other subjects, I feel it’s my … Continued