Marianne Logan Award, 3rd Prize Winner
My poem She Said She Said won third prize for the Marianne Logan Award in the Austin Poetry Society’s 2015 Annual Contest. The money just keeps rolling in: another $10. Woo hoo! Take a look and let me know what … Continued
Vacation Expectations
It had been a long day driving and we had hours to go before stopping. Lunch was a distant memory and I needed a snack to tide me over till dinner. I reached into the goody bag my wife had … Continued
The Exact Ratio: Good Thing I’m So Flexible
We stood facing each other. My wife, about to leave to go shopping, was desperate. It was a Saturday afternoon and she wanted to finish food shopping as quickly as possible. The only obstacles standing in her way were one-and-a-half … Continued
Horse-drawn Carriages: the Bane of City Streets
It was after ten o’ clock when my wife and I left the restaurant, both of us stuffed and ready for the drive home. Keys back from the valet, we hopped into the SUV (paying for parking makes my blood … Continued
Easter Cake
During Lent, I give up lots of things: alcohol, sweets, pasta, bread – basically, any kind of simple carb, anything that winds up on my waist. I usually lose about ten pounds during the forty days of Lent, and put … Continued