Searching for the Perfect Coffee Shop: Part 1
I do most of my work in coffee shops in and around Austin, Texas. With the exception of occasional visits to my favorite libraries and days I work from home (usually impossible with a three year old), I’m a regular … Continued
Fast Forward
My wife and I sat watching TV one night when she handed me the remote control and said, “Here you go”, and immersed herself in a magazine. Prior to that, I was sitting in my leather recliner, reading a book, … Continued
The Man with the Yellow Hat
This week marked the birthday of Hans Augusto Reyersbach (H.A. Rey), creator of Curious George, the adorable little monkey you’d probably kick across the room if you ever crossed paths with him. What, no H.A. Rey fans? No monkey kickers? … Continued
Spoiler Alert
As boring as it sounds, I happen to be one of those people who enjoy reading their community newspapers. There’s one from the home owner’s association, one from the electricity co-op we belong to, another one from the neighborhood, and … Continued