Expiration Dates
In my alternative career as an unpaid, unknown, unrequested, and unwanted consumer advocate, I’ve come across many unethical practices on the part of big business – soap dispensers whose pumps don’t reach the bottom of the bottle, boxes big enough … Continued
Austin Indifference
I’d like to take this time to apologize to the entire Austin service industry. Really. To all the undervalued waiters, waitresses, and bartenders in Austin, I’d like to say, “I’m sorry.” I’m sorry your band hasn’t hit number one on … Continued
The Ambivitation
It happens every year at my wife’s Christmas party. A small group of her colleagues meets at a fancy restaurant and we drink and eat and drink and talk and drink and drink some more. I wind up talking with … Continued
What’s new under the sun? Not another blogger, I know, but please bear with me. I’ve kept a journal for over twenty years and I’ve been reluctant to make the digital transition. It’s not easy. What do I do with … Continued