Where Does the Red Brick Road Lead? – Part 3 (Timmy Taffy)
I knew where the Red Brick Road began, but would I still be able to follow it? How would I get to the Rough and Gruff Realm of Roz? Would the flying monkeys try to stop me? What does Timmy … Continued
Where Does the Red Brick Road Lead? – Part 2 (Flying Monkeys)
Following an arduous search, I had located Marsha Mallow, former Lollipop Leaguer and last remaining link to the Red Brick Road. After a half dozen butterscotch and sodas, would she be able to remember its location? Would her hatred of … Continued
Where Does the Red Brick Road Lead? – Part 1 (The Investigation)
Once again, our annual Easter showing of “The Wizard of Oz” has ended and, as enjoyable as it was, I was again left unfulfilled. Every year, Dorothy sets off along the yellow brick road, a song in her heart and … Continued
So Long, 007…
Sean Connery, the first and best James Bond, died last month (https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-54761824), so I thought I would resurrect one of my poems, a tribute to 007. Let me know what you think. The Flying Circus of My Personal Pilot, Miss. … Continued
I parked a six pack of beer and a box of chocolate chip cookies behind a gray checkout divider while the tar-colored conveyor belt swept forward. The belt stopped and started, my goods stuck behind a fender bender of produce, … Continued